At our workshop, students will learn the conception and mindset of fabrication through direct guidance by experts invited from Silicon Valley. Students will work closely with their teammates, learn to think freely without fear of failure, challenge themselves to speak in English with the support of bilingual coaches, and discover the pleasure of making useful products for people.

Our curriculum, which employs design thinking, helps change the mindsets of young female students.  We create a safe environment for learning and help boost their self-confidence, self-efficacy, and motivation so that they feel more empowered to become STEAM thinkers. During the workshop, the students identify the problem, understand the cause of the problem, and come up with an innovative solution. Our workshops are offered both in-person (3 days) and online (6 days).

The aim of design thinking is to foster the ability to think in both liberal arts and scientific perspectives. Therefore, girls who love the arts and girls who enjoy working with numbers are all welcome!

We also use United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals so that the students can help propose solutions that have global impact while addressing individual or local needs.



  • Partner: PwC Japan

    Eligibility: High school girls in Japan(students whose gender identity is female)

    Language: English・Japanese

    Dates: July 30 (Orientation) + August 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    Tuition: Free

    Please visit PwC Japan website for more information on our 2021 program.

  • Partner: City of Kyotango Board of Education

    Eligibility: Middle and high school students in Kyotango

    Language: English・Japanese

    Dates: September 17, 18, 19

    Tuition: Free

    Please visit the City of Kyotango website for more information.

  • Partner: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)

    Eligibility: High school girls in Okinawa(students whose gender identity is female)

    Language: English・Japanese

    Dates: October 8, 9, 10

    Tuition: Free (*Financial support available for participants traveling from outside Ishigaki Island.)



We recruit bilingual university students from both Japan and the US as design coaches who support the students throughout the 3-day workshop. Our past interns include university students from Keio University, Colgate University, Stanford University, Cal Poly, and UC Davis.

If you are interested in becoming a design coach, please email your resume to apply@skylabo.org